Wire mesh
Wire mesh, also known as prismatic wire mesh, wire mesh mesh is 150 mm - 300 - mm mesh for national standards. Now I biggest company in the production of wire rope net machinery can produce 5 m * 5 m wire mesh, steel hole size can produce 150 mm, 150 mm, 250 mm and 300 mm, corresponding to the steel wire rope net model for the DO / 08/150 type wire rope net, DO / 08/200 type wire rope net, DO / 08/250 type wire rope net, DO / 08/300 type wire mesh.
Wire rope net technical requirements and indicators: network is using the tensile strength of not less than 1770 mpa steel reinforced 8 mm steel wire rope, some manufacturers to reduce the cost of all the hemp core wire rope, we must pay attention to when buying check goods see this (usually of wire mesh wire butt joint with aluminum tube, all the steel core wire rope net joint general use cross-docking wire line can be seen in the outside is easy to see the presence of hemp core, add hemp core wire mesh wire will not be when docking outside inconvenience to check the quality of steel wire rope).Wire rope net USES: mainly used in flexible slope fence products, usually DO / 08/150, DO / 08/200, the DO / 08/200 type of wire mesh in passive fence RX - 075, RX - 050, RX - 025 type used in the passive fence; DO / 08/300 type wire mesh is usually used in active net series.
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